- Committee meeting first Monday
- Continue arranging speakers for Autumn programme and other business
- Get Hosts to write the 3 – 4 lines for the Programme describing “their” talk and give/send to Chairman and Secretary
- Send first Autumn talk details to Webmaster as soon as they are confirmed
- Hold Committee Dinner
- End of month:
- Send out Chairman’s note to all members re Summer Programme and application forms to attend events (with tear off return slips). Email copy to webmaster prior to posting.
- At committee forecast outturn for current financial year and establish cash needed in current account through to end September
- Osborne Rally organisation
- Get place and speaker for next Annual Dinner booked
- Hold committee meeting, if needed
- Get Rally flag to organisers along with Regalia for sale
- Email October Programme details (at least first meeting, if others not confirmed) to Practical Boat Owner and any other yachting magazines publishing Association events.
- Chairman to write summary of summer events and few words to go out with programme (web based version with photographs also)
- Programme printed
- Local publicity reminders to papers etc (include web address)
- Notify Memorial Hall of dates of meetings
- Possibly write article for GX parish magazine
- Notify Web master of programme with expanded detail for Web Site
- Hold Committee meeting on first convenient Monday
- After Children back to school post out programme to all members
- Start getting speakers for Spring Programme
- Host to confirm first speaker available
- Agree OODs and DOODs for Autumn, publish on web and noticeboard
- Bar and coffee attendants for first night – request volunteers in notices
- Prepare notice-board lists for bar and coffee rotas
- Visit Hall and check/test equipment and batteries
- Distribute Programmes to local Sailing Clubs and RYA Training Establishments/Providers
- Update Committee photographs for notice board
- Compile /finalise Budget for all Expenditure (including speakers’ fees and expenses & new equipment) for forthcoming financial year
- Get speaker if not already arranged for Annual Annual Dinner
- Hold committee meeting before first club meeting
- Organise for notices to go on web and boards at club and in corridor
- Need bar rota
- Club equipment re-insurance coming up
- Notification for Saturday Special on both web and board
- Early in month – confirm speakers/performers for Cast off, advertise on web and noticeboards
- Get Hosts to write the two lines for the Programme describing “their” talk and give/send to Chairman and Secretary
- Confirm Spring Programme speakers, publish on web and display on Noticeboard
- Start getting speakers for next Autumn programme
- Contact any Members who have not paid their annual subscription
- Agree budget for Income in light of subs rec’d in Oct & finalise Budget for the financial year…Agree on late payers to be chased
- Write Chairman’s newsletter and publish on web – release over Christmas ?
- Receive Projection of income and expenditure for next financial year
- Arrange order for Cast off and produce program – agree who obtains food/drink and table decorations etc – agree who is responsible for mulled wine
- Get programme to printers for printing prior to Xmas
- Post programme & Chairmanc’s letter immediately after Xmas for delivery prior to first meeting in January
- Discuss accounts for “Examination”
- Committee meeting before first club meeting
- Start/continue getting speakers for Autumn programme
- Need bar rota. Fix OODs and DOODs
- Agree and items for consideration at AGM (remember 30 days notice)
- Notification of AGM on Web and noticeboards
- Discuss/agree what vacancies there will be for the next Committee and approach potential candidates
- Last Wednesday – Lay out envelopes with notification of AGM including Annual Dinner application forms. Post those not picked up.
- Invite Independent Examining Accountant to meeting to approve accounts
- Agree Rally schedule and Summer Special – if not already done, book Marinas/YCs for dinners and berths.
- Decide and put notification of summer events on web and noticeboard.
- Notification of Saturday Special on board
- Agree arrangements for Annual Dinner with venue
- Put notification of Annual Dinner on web and noticeboard. Decide menu.
- Committee meeting
- Decide who is to get Trophies
- Continue to get speakers for Autumn and start Spring programme
- Determine whether subscriptions for next year should be revised. If so include appropriate item on agenda for March AGM
- Any extra organisation for AGM
- Publish previous year’s AGM minutes (and accounts ?) on web
- Public Liability insurance due for renewal.
- Confirm with Annual Dinner Speaker
- Committee meeting
- Remove batteries form equipment etc prior to storage
- Remove from membership data base those who have not paid their subs for current year
- Arrange Committee Dinner for April, including retiring members and wives
- Hold AGM
- Following the AGM – produce the minutes and pass information to webmaster on decisions taken and agreed
- Hold Committee Dinner
- Notify webmaster of reminders of summer programme for Web