Spring 2011
World Cruising Destinations – Jimmy CornellDistinguished sailor and author Jimmy Cornell has completed ocean passages in all parts of the world including the Antarctic and the Pacific, illustrated in his new book entitled World Cruising Today. Excellent pictures and fine sailing. |
An Atlantic Crossing – Ray BridgesOur vice chairman, Ray was sailing dinghies until just a few years ago. In spring 2010 he sailed Sonar, his Island Packet 440 to the Caribbean and will describe the voyage and the warm cruising grounds he has explored there. A good talk for a January evening. |
Around the World – Rory McDougallRory’s Wharram Tiki 21 is the smallest multihull to circumnavigate the world at just 21ft in length. With no engine and navigating by sextant and compass, the voyage was a wonderful discovery of islands, nature and cultures, all experienced in a simple and non-intrusive way. |
The RNLI : An insider’s View – Paul BoissierWhat is 186 years old, costs £380,000 a day to run, builds boats and saves a life a day? Find out from the RNLI’s Chief Executive, who once qualified as a brewer of Guinness and then went round the world in a submarine. |
How to Write a Sea Story – Sam LlewellynAuthor of many novels, accomplished sailor and frequent columnist in sailing magazines, Sam returns to entertain us with his humorous insight on all matters maritime. He believes that telling stories is the summit of human achievement and will convince you with this talk. |
Europe’s Waterways: Down the Danube
Cruising the Western Isles
Sailing the North Aegean Sea
Jester Challenge 2010 – John AppsThis was John’s third Jester Challenge, a biannual single handed trans-Atlantic event for yachts under 30 ft in length. Sailing his UFO 27 “Glayva” he completed the crossing to Newport, Rhode Island in 50 days and was presented with the Newport Medal in recognition of his achievement. |
45th Annual Dinner at Buckinghamshire Golf Club, Denham