



Cast Off for Christmas

Wednesday December 9th


GXSA Members and their guests are warmly invited to the entertainment at this year’s Cast Off for Christmas. 

There will be short talks and a quiz and as much fun as you can have online..  


Photo Competition (there will be prizes !)

Please email jpg files of your entries by 12 noon on Wednesday to info@gxsa.org.uk

No more than 1 picture per household in each category.


For each photo, say which category it is entered for and provide a short title. In your email please include the statement:

“I am the copyright owner for this work.  I license Gerrards Cross Sailing Association to use the image(s) on the GXSA website, and in relevant publications.”


There will be 4 categories this year

  • Boats and Sailing – anything to do with boating, probably with a boat in it, but its up to you!
  • Scenic
  • Humorous
  • What I achieved in lockdown – ie not sailing; the photo should provide a strong hint of what you did.

All pictures will be displayed at the same size for members to rank on the evening.


Spring 2021 programme will start on Wednesday 6th January

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