


Wednesday 28th November

Captain Ian Shields





CHIRP (Confidential Reporting Programme for Aviation and Maritime) and the Maritime Feedback publication are well known to professional seafarers and leisure sailors alike.   CHIRP’s aim is to contribute to the enhancement of maritime safety worldwide by providing a totally independent reporting system for all individuals employed or associated with the maritime sector.  For the leisure sector this may well be the sharing with others of an experience or perhaps a near miss with a merchant vessel.  CHIRP can, and does, in total confidence approach vessel managers to extract facts and learning points which are then promulgated in the three monthly Feedback publication.

Ian will provide an explanation of what is done by CHIRP, with reference to leisure users, give insights on misuse of equipment, interaction between high and low speed craft and give examples of when CHIRP’s intervention has made a difference.

Ian is a qualified Master Mariner who has sailed on board oil and chemical tankers, liquefied gas carriers and bulk carriers.  He spent some years as an Operations Superintendent and Safety and Training Officer.  Prior to becoming Technical Security Advisor in OCIMF he was the first MN liaison officer to the UKMTO at the height of the Somali piracy period.

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