Wednesday 8th November
Sue and Bob Garrett
Baltic and Back in a Season
Bob and Sue will tell us about their 6 month tour of the Baltic, starting from and returning to the Solent. They spent 182 days on board and visited 9 countries, getting as far as St Petersburg. They will talk about their previous experience, how they prepared, the route, why they did it and practicalities – everything you need to know for your sailing trip to the Baltic..
Notes from Sue & Bob, following the talk:
Book recommendations:
“Bobbing to the Baltic” – Martin Edge
“Skagerrak and Back” – also Martin Edge (not so useful in the Baltic but passage there from Scotland)
both the above available as kindle books.
The Archipelago pilots with all the rocks to tie to and much more: in English but does not go as far north as Stockholm archipelago only now available in Swedish but you might find earlier English copies second-hand.