2014-H1 – Programme – Spring

Programme Spring 2014


January 8th

Invaders, Explorers and Shipbuilders – Jeremy Batch

Entertaining account of early ship building on the Thames and Medway plus … Why was the Archbishop of Canterbury murdered at Greenwich Yacht Club? How did the Dutch sneak up the Medway to raid Chatham and how did Olaf the Viking make London Bridge fall down?

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January 15th

Shackleton:   Death or Glory  – CANCELLED
Sebastien Coulthard and Alexander Kumar

Expedition crew member Sebastien Coulthard and expedition doctor Alexander Kumar describe the preparation, planning and challenges in successfully recreating Shackleton‘s famous escape from Elephant Island in Antarctica to South Georgia in early 2013.

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January 22nd

Keep Turning Left:   Job Done! – Dylan Winter

By making films from a small boat and visiting the harbours, estuaries and shallow spots other UK circumnavigators sweep past, Dylan Winter captures the real feeling of sailing. The highways and byways of the East coast as far north as the Firth of Forth provide an enjoyable evening of great films, wit and chat.

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January 29th

A Tale of Two Cities – Martin & Shân Alexander

Ups and downs of the participation of Spirit of Avalon in the 2012 Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Pageant fleet in London and crossing the Channel in 2013 to explore the Seine to Paris and beyond. Presented together with accompanying GXSA members: Ben Benest, Roger Havelock and Philip Young.

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February 5th

Port of London Authority and role of the Harbour Master 
Steve Rushbrook

Steve is Deputy Harbour Master Upper, responsible for Teddington to Crossness, including the second biggest port in the UK and the busiest inland waterway for freight. He will talk about the challenges of navigating the Thames – including some rather hair–raising stories

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February 12th

Round Britain with the Old Gaffers – Sue Lewis

Not all the boats were old, or even gaff–rigged, but twenty boats sailed round Britain last summer to celebrate 50 years of the Old Gaffers Association, of which Sue is Secretary. Sue and her husband Howard sailed on their gaff cutter Bonify; good experiences, photos and tips.

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February 19th

Butterflies, Bulls and Blarney – John & Freda Andrews

Returning for a third presentation of Qwyver’s remarkable 6 year sail round the world, John and Freda focus this time on Islands in the North Atlantic, which make a splendid finale to their voyage. We can think of going to some of these places too!

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February 26th

Through University on a 23ft boat, sailing near and far 
Joe Pearce

Joe was a student at Aberystwyth, and tells how he came to spend his student life living on board a small boat. We shall also hear about his adventurous trip down to his home on the Isle of Wight and a trip to Greenland.

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March 5th

Pierhead Painters – Claudia Myatt

The story of the 19th century harbour–side artists who earned a living by painting ships as they anchored and then selling the paintings to the ship’s captains. Accomplished artist Claudia Myatt explains from an artist’s and a sailor’s viewpoint.

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March 12th

AGM, followed by Rallies and Events 2013 – Stuart Gaunt

A whistle stop tour through the GXSA social events from 2013 and a look forward to our plans for summer 2014. Enjoy re–living the fun and experiences, or see what you missed.


The Autumn 2014 talks programme will start on 8th October, 2014

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