Country Walk – Hambleden 2nd July 2024

2nd July 2024 @ 11:00 AM 2:00 PM BST

Country Walk @ 11:00am

Lunch @ 12:30pm


Hambleden is a beautiful village set in the Chiltern Hills.  It’s rich with country walks, and we love to return regularly, for its many treasurers.  Hambleden has 51 film credits to its name.

Come and join your friends for a self-funded mid-day lunch at the Stag & Huntsman, Hambleden, RG9 6RP at 12:30.

If you’re ready for a walk, beforehand, I suggest the following options:

  • Hambleden & Medmenham Circular Walk – 2:30 hours – 5.5 miles
  • Hambleden Lock Walk – 0:45 hours, 2.5 miles (with options to extend, or shorten the walk)
  • The Village Experience – The No-Walking Walk !!

The plan is to meet up in the Car-Park of the pub ready for a country walk starting at 11:00. The walk will be quite easy going, planned by a local resident.

Choose your walk, take your time, and meet up at the Stag & Huntsman (RG9 6SE) for lunch at 12:30pm.

Getting There

By car, Hambleden is easy to find, by satnav.  There are 2 appropriate car parks for the walks.  Unfortunately, both are now Pay & Display.

  • Mill End car park, convenient for the shorter lock walks, about ½ mile south of the village.  You will probably want to move your car to the pub, for lunch.
  • The Stag & Huntsman car park in the centre of the village, start for some walks, and where we will be eating lunch.

Hambleden & Medmenham Circular Walk

  • Difficulty:       Moderate
  • Duration:       2:30 hours
  • Distance:       5.5 miles (9 km)
  • Start: Stag & Huntsman RG9 6SE @ 10:00am

NB: If you read the walk summary, we will be starting from the Stag & Huntsman, NOT Mill End, as suggested.

Hambleden Lock Walk

A short and pleasant walk across the weirs, and into countryside, south of the river.

When you return from the walk, you will probably want to move your car into the Stag & Huntsman pub.

  • Difficulty:       Very Easy
  • Duration:       0:45 hours
  • Distance:       2.5 miles (4 km)
  • Start: Mill End Car Park, RG9 6TL  @ 11:30am

For an easier walk, Start at Mill End car park, then walk to take a look at the weirs; they’re quite impressive.  Turn back, rather than continuing into the countryside.

To extend the walk a little, start at the Stag & Huntsman pub car park, and walk south through the sheep field, until you reach Mill End car park.  This adds about ½ mile to the walk.

The description of the walk is here.

The Village Experience

The No-Walking Walk !!

For those that don’t want to walk, an alternative would be to arrive a little early to experience the delights of Hambleden itself, including the Village Shop (serves tea & cake, limited seating)

In the event of Cancellation…

We will update the following status box on the morning of the event, is inclement weather suggests a change of plan. Please check back here before you leave home.

The Walk is currently ON

We intend that there will be a choice of route, to keep everyone happy. If you can’t make the walk, just come for lunch!!!

Order your own food and drinks from the standard menu.

  • Bring substantial footwear (waterproof walking boots, or wellingtons with good walking tread).
  • You may want to consider a change of clothing, in-case you fall over, or cover your trousers in mud, like I did on a test walk.
  • Bring Walking Boots, and appropriate clothing.

See you there !!!


Let us know how you get on. 


Stuart Gaunt


Walk Free

Lunch: Pay for yourself


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