2014-02-05 – Wednesday – Steve Rushbrook

Talk:          Wednesday February 5th

Port of London Authority and the Role of the Harbour Master

Steve Rushbrook

 The PLA oversees navigational safety on 95 miles of the tidal Thames, from Teddington Lock to the North Sea. The river is home to the second biggest port in the UK, the busiest inland waterway for freight, passengers and a centre for sporting events.

Steve is ‘Deputy Harbour Master Upper’, responsible for the section between Teddington and Crossness.

Cruise Ship on the Thames

Steve leads Cruise ship bookings and organises some Harbour Services. Amongst his responsibilities include looking after the boat race and a myriad of moorings.

University Boat Race

He will talk about the challenges of navigating the Thames – including some rather hair raising stories  . .&nbsp.

Come along, this is a wonderful opportunity to learn something about a superb well known and well respected organisation.

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