2006-H2 – Programme – Autumn

Autumn 2006

Channel Islands and North Brittany

Peter Cumberlidge, writer and journalist returns to share his extensive knowledge on the delights and challenges of sailing in and around the Channel Islands and Brittany.

Portsmouth Harbour and the Solent

Commander K Carter – QHM Portsmouth, will talk about his roles of managing the harbour and in particular the challenge and the success of the Fleet Review in 2005, as well as his work as vice chairman of the Solent Forum.

2004/5 Global Challenge – Imagine it Done

Sian Hankinson, daughter of one of our members shares her adventures as the deputy skipper/crew boss during her circumnavigation with Dee Caffari against the prevailing winds and currents.

Laying up Supper

Fish and Chip supper with an interesting evenings of members tales recounting challenges, memorable times and the odd confession whilst sailing or motor cruising.

The Adventures of the ARC

GXSA member Chris Monahan will talk about his experiences in preparing for and participating in the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers

The Extraordinary Voyages of Captain James Cook

Paul Covell, club member and round the world sailor gives a fascinating illustrated talk on the greatest cartographer, navigator and seaman of the 18th century and his voyages of exploration.

Triumph and Tragedy – tales from Artic Greenland

The Reverend Bob Shepton returns to tell us about his summer expedition to the north of Greenland, getting furthest north of any yacht in Greenland, over wintering there and the subsequent tragedy – the loss of his boat and his last roll of film.

CSS Alabama 1862 -1864

A screw sloop of war built for the confederacy – we learn about her amazing history and how she finally sank whilst under fire from USS Kearsarge in Cherbourg. Our speaker is Devian Watson from the Liverpool maritime Museum.

30 Years Before the Mast

An illustrated talk by GXSA member, Wolfgang Ansorge about his experience and voyaging on a wide variety of tall ships and traditional sailing vessels 1975-2005

Cast off for Christmas

Our traditional members’ evening of yarns, light entertainment and mince pies and the judging of our season’s photographs ahead of the Christmas break.


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