Wednesday 8th October |
Mary RoseTed Sutton, a member of the “Mary Rose” Information Group and Association member relates the finding, raising and preservation of the famous “Mary Rose”. |
Wednesday 15th October |
Sailing East by South to HollandGordon Wood, Association member, describes a cruise in “Kwenda”. |
Wednesday 22nd October |
Cruising in BrittanyPeter Cumberledge, the well-known Sailor and Author describes “Cruising in Brittany”. |
Wednesday 29th October |
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO REGATTA WEEKRum and Sun – The ultimate Sailing Holiday – Peter Poland, Director of Hunter Boats, talks about this enjoyable experience. |
Wednesday 5th November |
GreenlandWilly Kerr – describes a cruise up the east coast of Greenland and High Latitude sailing. |
Wednesday 12th November |
Round Britain CruiseJeff and Gillian Thatcher relate a Round Britain Cruise from the Solent in a Colvic 26 Motor Cruiser. |
Wednesday 19th November |
Circumnavigating the WorldClive and Sally Roberts describe the Trials and Tribulations of a circumnavigation. |
Saturday 22nd November |
Diesel Engine Course by J. Chapman of Volvo. |
Wednesday 26th November |
MEANDERING AROUND THE GREEK ISLANDS WITH SAILING HOLIDAYS LTDBarrie Neilson introduces – Flotilla and Independent sailing in the most beautiful of areas. Wander from island to island, village to village. taverna to taverna. |
Saturday 29th November |
V.H.F. Course and exam at Fulmer Hall given by N. Thomas. |
Wednesday 3rd December |
Coping with adverse conditionsJames Stevens, R.Y.A. National Coach.…including tactics, pilotage and sailing in extreme weather. |
Wednesday 10th December |