1995-H2 – Programme – Autumn


Wed 4th October

Staying in Full Control in Unfamiliar Waters

John Goode of the Southern Sailing School will give tips and wrinkles on pilotage in unfamiliar waters.

Wed 11th October

Channel Alternatives

Join Ken Endean on an imaginary cruise around the western channel, visiting lesser known harbours, anchorages and sheltered coves.

Wed 18th October

Conflict in Inshore Waters – Real or Imaginary?

Harbour Master and Deputy Port Manager, Southampton – Captain James Chestnutt makes a welcome return visit to the Association and will analyse the issues and identify the problems associated with the management of inshore traffic. A seminar format will be used to encourage dialogue and debate.

Wed 25th October

Life in Nelson’s Navy

Brian Lavery from the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich gives us a close-up view of life forthe officers and crew in the time of Nelson. He looks at daily life aboard ship – food, drink, entertainment and the horrors plus the excitement of battle.

Wed 1st November

The Frisian Islands

Ted Osborn – the well known sailing journalist – shares his many experiences in the Frisian Islands. The illustrated talk takes us from the North of Holland, along the North Sea coast of Germany as far as Denmark.

Wed 8th November

Production Boat Building in the UK

Peter Thomas of Westerly – Britain’s largest manufacturer of sailing boats –describes the process of constructing a GRP sailing yacht, from plug to mould to finished yacht.

Sat 11th November

Saturday Special – Visit to SS Great Britain

This visit to Bristol to go aboard Brunel’s massive flagship of the steam revolution may also include a visit to Harveys, of Bristol Cream fame. If you would like to be included please see the noticeboard.

Wed 15th November

Round the World in Blackjack

Mike and Pat Pocock give an illustrated account taken from their seven year voyage which included time spent in the remote parts of Alaska.

Wed 22nd November

Batteries on Board

Eric Millett – an authority on batteries and chargers – explains how batteries charge, discharge and die. Dispel the myths and mysteries and you too can run a trouble-free electrical system on board.

Wed 29th November

The Delta Area of Holland

Stuart Bradley gives us the benefit of his extensive cruises in Holland. He advises on getting there, avoiding problems, routes to follow in the delta area plus a look at the ljsselmeere and Friesland.

Wed 6th December

Cast Off for Christmas

Mulled wine and mince pies with light entertainment. Fri 15th March 1996 30th Anniversary Dinner

This year’s annual dinner will be at the Royal Thames Yacht Club and the Guest of Honour will be Robin Aisher.

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